Friday, July 18, 2014




This is the final product of my touched-up head shot. Using Gimp I cropped myself out of a photo of my sister and I, then scaled it to be slightly larger than 400 x 400 pixels (but keeping the images proportions). I zoomed in and first played around with the blur and smudge tool to edit the blemishes above my eyebrows. I kept with the smudge tool and also touched up a bit around my chin, forehead, and eyes. Using the color picker I chose a color under my eye and used the paint tool with 70% opacity to get rid of the dark circles. I did a similar process on my cheeks to get rid of some of the shine. I repeated this along the sides of my nose which looks bigger at this angle than it does in real life, to make it look more like me. Then for fun I added a little lipstick. Ta-da!
For details, visit the immersive BC portal at


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