Thursday, July 31, 2014

WebGL Chrome Experiments the FAIL IN FIREFOX

Of all my claimed Chrome Experiments and those that my classmates have thus far posted to Google Groups, the only one I had trouble with when I opened it with Mozilla Firefox (vs being opened in Chrome) was:

  •  "Xibalba"
    • The app did load, however I could not move around in it or use it at all. Then Firefox froze so I was unable to grab a screenshot.

The rest worked reasonably well. The WebGL 3D Chrome Experiments I tested in Mozilla Firefox that worked decently were:

  • Dinohunt
  • Spacerun 3D
  • HexGL by BKCore
  • 3D Tetris
  • SnowBox
  • jsOrrery
  • Push-to-Break
  • Valley of Uncanny #01
  • 4irPucks
  • Car Visualizer Classics
  • Eye Texture Ray Tracer
  • Digital Landscapes
  • Racer S

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