Thursday, July 31, 2014

WebGL Chrome Experiments using Google's Chrome Browser

Using the Chrome web browser and WebGL technology, it is finally possible to view and use virtual 3D high res experiences. Here are some impressive examples (click the linked name of each to explore for yourself at the respective Chrome Experiments page):

This 3D experience allows you to use your mouse and change the viewpoint and lighting of 4 different virtual environments. They are beautifully done.

2. Racer S
Racer S allows you to view a 3D simulation of a race car racing. The level of quality takes me back to being a kid watching the playback in Need for Speed on a gaming system

This is a really cool Chrome Experiment - you can specify multiple characteristics of the eye (even making it a cyborg eye, see below). Using your mouse you can rotate the eye towards various light and angles to see how the pupil responds, even seeing such detail as the reflection of the view that the eye is seeing. I loved this one

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